HeatherHernandez.comIf you’re a blogger or entrepreneur, you might be interested in visiting my new blog HeatherHernandez.com. I’m posting things that I think would help other women entrepreneurs. Here’s what I’ve posted so far:



What Questions to Ask Yourself To Become an Entrepreneur

I feel like I accidentally turned my blog into a business, but I actually started my business by asking myself 5 questions and answering them.


Which Influencer Networks to Join to Make Money as a Blogger?

I’ve been blogging for almost 9 years on Freebies4Mom.com and I’ve adjusted from making my income primarily by affiliate marketing to making my money as an influencer.


The Health Insurance Dilemna for Entrepreneurs: How I’m Getting Good Coverage

I want to tell you about my recent health care adventure, or maybe I should call it my healthcare nightmare.

I hope you find something useful on my new blog, and I’d love your feedback when you leave a comment!
