Get a coupon for “Buy One Tea Freddo blended drink Get One Free” for Peet’s Coffe & Tea on your cell phone. Say what? Yes, you can now get coupons on your cell phone using a new free service called Cellfire (obviously carrier charges may apply for receiving text messages). You simply show the cashier your phone with the coupon image and unique code displayed to get the discount.

It’s easy to sign-up for Cellfire here if you want to try using it. Visit the Deals page to find out what coupons are available for your area. I see a great coupon for Hollywood Video that I could use! But I had to contact Customer Support because I need help setting it up for my cell phone. It was super easy to fill out the help form, so I think chances are good I’ll get the help I need. I’ve got my fingers crossed that soon I will be couponing with my cell phone! Update: I’m good to go with couponing on my cell phone! I got an email from Customer Support the same day, and when I tried registering again it worked. Please see my update below about your options to receive or not receive text alerts.

I’ve never heard of Peet’s Coffee & Tea, but according to their store locations list my readers in California, Colorado, Illionois, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington are enjoying this house of fine beverages. So I wanted to pass along this great cell phone coupon.
I can’t wait to hear from anyone who has actually used a coupon from Cellfire! Please come back and post a comment to tell me about your experience! I see this cell phone couponing as part of the new digital couponing era we are entering.
Update 6/25/08: I have successfully signed-up with Cellfire. When I registered on my phone I had the option to say “no” (default) or “yes” to “Send me text alerts about new offers on Cellfire Express (max 4x/month)”. I said “yes” just to see how easy it would be to change my mind, I also opted to receive emails about new offers. I got a new text message saying I had opted to receive alerts and I could reply with “STOP” to end this service. I then replied “STOP” and got another text message confirming I would no longer receive text alerts. So far I am pleased will Cellfire and I’ll report back after I use that Hollywood Video coupon!
