Sorry, this coupon code has expired. Create a FREE custom Father’s Day card (up to a $3.99 value) using the new code: FREEFD at TinyPrints. Be sure you have your card sent to yourself for absolutely free, your total will be $0.00 (or pay 44 cents for the stamp if you want it sent to somebody else, makes sense if you are going to mail it anyways). Thanks goes to Coupon Pro Blog for sharing!

This coupon code could expire at any time (please leave a comment and let us know if it worked for you). Please be aware that Tiny Prints requires all customers to have a credit card on file even if placing a $0.00 order. Read their Privacy Policy if you have any questions about how your account information is used. Pay attention to your order total and don’t complete your order unless the coupon code brings that total down to $0.00 (or $0.44 if sending directly to your recipient).

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Image credit: Tiny Prints
