Here are the coupons available to request while you’re getting your free samples. You should get them in my mailbox in 4 to 6 weeks.
Coupons by Mail: $1 Tide Free & Gentle, $1 or $3 Tide Stain Release, $5 Febreze Home Collection Flameless Luminary Starter Kit, $1 Febreze Set & Refresh
Are you new to the free sampling world? You can sign-up for free samples at P&G; Brand Sampler. It’s a centralized location for requesting free samples from their family of products. This is a great place to request free samples and coupons because it’s one website for several different products – that means you save time! If you are new to sign-up, be sure to click on “Samples & Coupons” in the top blue menu bar to see if there is anything else you want to request. The coupons are great because they come in your mailbox on a postcard, so even if you are unable to print coupons you will get these.
i could not find covergirl or olay either
Thanks…..Its looks like its different for everyone…….
no cover girl or olay or tampax for me either… just Prilosec OTC :(
no cover girl or olay for me either… :-(
Awesome. I lot of cool samples and coupons.
i think they are different for everybody. My mom’s and mine were both different. Oh well! Free samples and coupons are fun anyway!
I ordered my samples & cpns for this new quarter-every 3 mos.
I guess the Olay sample was for the last quarter,bummer.
You have to login or register to see the samples and coupons for P&G. I requested got mine.
Same here, no mention at all of Cover Girl/Olay!
When I get on to the P&G site for samples and coupons, there is no mention of a Cover Girl/Olay sample.