Networking is so important that I actually created a Networking is Valuable video about it for Brookwoods, the staffing agency I used to work for.

How important is networking for your job search?

I knew that networking would be important during my job search, but I didn’t realize exactly how important it would be until I was several months into my job search. Once you start actively expanding your network by attending networking events, you’ll realize that networking is actually a lot of fun!

How do you think you’ll find your next job?

I’ve learned that I am most likely find a job through my network either directly or indirectly. That’s because personal connections mean everything in a highly competitive job market. Networking is also how you access the hidden job market which has jobs available that are not advertised and you can only learn about through word-of-mouth.

How can networking help someone looking for a job?

Here are a few ways that networking could help you in your job search:

  • You discover a staffing agency the would love to help place you in a position
  • You meet a hiring manager who would love to interview you for a position
  • You make a new connection and they know about a job position that would be perfect for you to apply for
  • You become friends with a new connection and they are able to personally recommend you to a hiring manager they know for a job you’re applying for
  • You are considered for a position that normally you wouldn’t be considered for based on just your resume because someone gets to know you better

What are some other benefits to networking other than helping you find a job?

Some of the other benefits to networking other than finding a job such are:

  • Making lifelong friends in your profession
  • Getting out of the house to attend a professional networking event is good for your self-esteem and mental health
  • Events you can look forward to attending is important during your job search
  • Get support from total strangers, you will be surprised by how much others want to help you!

What types of groups can people become involved in to expand their network?

Here are some ideas for the types of local groups that you could join to help expand your professional network. Remember to add any volunteer positions or certifications from professional organizations to your resume!

  • Professional Organizations in your Field (i.e. I joined the American Marketing Association since I am looking for a job in marketing)
  • Chamber of Commerce (there are probably several near you if you live near a big city)
  • Special Interest Groups (i.e. I joined the NW Houston Business & Professional Women so I could connect with business savvy women who live near me)
  • Non-Profits (i.e. local churches or any non-profit where you can volunteer and get to know more people in your community)

How are you expanding your professional network?
