Heather HernandezAfter 8 years of blogging onĀ Freebies4Mom.comĀ Iā€™m excited to start my new blog at HeatherHernandez.com. Ā My goal is to share what Iā€™ve learned about being an entrepreneur with hopes of inspiring YOU to be an entrepreneur too!

I love to help people, especially women. When Iā€™m describing my job as a blogger to someone unfamiliar with blogging, I tell them that I help people save money! Ā Well now itā€™s time for me to help YOU reach for the stars and define your dream job as an entrepreneur.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ll be sharing with you:

  • Make Money
  • Biz Tips
  • Social Media
  • Hire Me

I welcome your comments and questions and I canā€™t wait to learn from your experiences!
