7 Free eBooks This Week ($31.93 value)You’ve missed this freebie, but you’ll find all of the Freebies hereEach day this week you can download a free eBook from Mike Burns or Jen Burns. Some are for adults. Some are for kids. But all of them are for better living! These range from 26-117 pages in length.

Monday 3/24– Living Clutter-Free with Kids in the House “This book makes the case that it IS possible to live a clutter-free life with kids in the house. Well, at least “clutter-free…ish.””

Tuesday 3/25– Room to Play “This book was written for preschool and elementary aged children. It presents both a REASON and a METHOD for decluttering their room.”

Wednesday 3/26– Time Well Spent “Many people search frantically for the newest tool, tip or trick that will solve all of their time management woes. They think that there is a magic pill somewhere that they can pop and everything will change. News Flash: There is no magic pill.”

Thursday 3/27– Bored No More “This book was written for preschool and elementary aged children. It is meant to be an inspiration for children to find pleasure in creating their own fun.”

Friday 3/28– Simpler “Simpler is a book about decluttering our lives and focusing on the most important things. It’s a book about priorities.”

Saturday 3/29– Helping Kids Be Creative and Change Their World “This book is written to encourage & equip parents to help their child discover their unique, creative gifts, and to help them overcome the obstacles that hinder growth in their specific areas.”

Sunday 3/30– More Than Things “This book was written for preschool and elementary aged children. It will initiate thought and conversation about how people are more important than the things they give us.”

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