What would you do with an extra hour? Don’t think too hard about this one, just list the first 5 things that come to mind that you could do all 5 of within the span of one extra hour. Think no interruptions, nobody asking you for anything, total quiet in the house (if that’s what you want). You’re in total control of your one extra hour – so how will you spend it?

My 5 Things To Do With an Extra Hour:

Heather Hernandez

1. Read a chapter of a novel
2. Browse through a magazine
3. Listen to a favorite song while doing nothing (not while multi-tasking)
4. Enjoy a cup of tea by myself
5. Write a letter to a friend

Now that you have your list, go ahead and register at Frigidaire’s “My Motherload” and as soon as you confirm your registration by email you can enter your “5 Things” into your account and share them with the “My Motherload” community.

This is a good exercise to reflect on what you are missing in your day – what things do you want to do to nurture yourself? And now that you’re registered with Frigidaire I have some sweepstakes to share with you because I’d love to help one of my readers win new Frigidaire appliances to help them find that “Me-Time” they may be missing. Watch for me to post the details of those sweepstakes or start exploring My Motherload now and enter!

Don’t miss your chance to enter my Frigidaire $50 Free Food Giveaway. I’ve got more giveaways coming-up that I’ll announce along with new short vlogs about my Frigidaire, so keep an eye out because they will only be open to enter for one day.

Go ahead and pick one thing on your list to share with everyone here by leaving a comment. Thanks for sharing, I love being inspired by my readers!

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