Another great gift pack offer from SC Johnson’s Right@Home website:Ziploc Home & Holidays Gift Pack. It includes Ziploc products (bags and a container) and a bunch of coupons ($8.50 worth for Ziploc, Glade, Pledge and Drano). They are mailing the gift pack out to the first 20,000 people who request it and qualify. In order to qualify, you must be a member of Right@Home (easy to sign-up and free to do s0) and you can not have won a gift pack within the past 180 days. Guess what? It’s pretty much impossible to figure out between the request time and the time you receive it if your last gift pack disqualifies you. So go ahead and request it and let SC Johnson sort it out. I’m feeling that I may be due to receive a gift pack and have got my fingers crossed that I’ll get this one! Good luck!
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Please count me in. Thanks!
I was so excited to be able to go and cast my vote in 1 hour and 11 minutes and still come back in time to get my daily e-mail from Heather. I am a new follower of Freebies4mom and I went on my first grocery trip where I saved $25.70! None of my coupons were less than $1.00. Thanks for all your help in getting a little break from the overwhelming costs of grocery shopping. I hope to increase my savings in the days to come. I haven’t received my first sample yet, but I look forward to it. Thanks again,AWANArocks
Awsome find, thanks!
Thank you very much!
Mandy – Thanks so much for pointing out that change in the timeframe to me. They just want more households to be getting their free gift packs. Just keep signing-up and you will get one eventually!-HeatherFreebies 4 Mom
After I submitted my info, it gave the standard “Thank you for your submission” blurb, and said that if you have received a gift pack in the LAST 180 DAYS, you’re not eligible. I am curious why they changed the time limit…