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Do you like to try new products and share your opinion with your friends and family? You might be interested in becoming a BzzAgent. Being a BzzAgent is not a way to get things for free, but a way to participate in word-of-mouth marketing with an opportunity to try new products for free.

I’ve been a BzzAgent for a few months now thanks to Green Mama for sharing her positive experience as a BzzAgent with me. I have found it to be a fun way to try new products and share my opinions with my friends. So, for those of you who might be interested, I invite you to browse the BzzAgent website to find out more. By the way, I’m not getting any sort of incentive by referring you, I just wanted to share this program with you. After a few months of involvement and participating in 3 campaigns, I have been impressed with the way this program is run, the products involved in campaigns, and the emphasis placed on honest word-of-mouth marketing.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to ask by leaving a comment or sending me an email. If you already are a BzzAgent, please share a little about your experience!
