Keep your eyes peeled for this special Kellogg’s $104 Savings Inside! coupon book at your local grocery store for valuable coupons. Thanks goes to Coupon Geek and Utah Deal Diva for the scoop. Utah Deal Diva took the photo above so you know what you’re looking for and she has a complete list of coupons this book contains (expire Sept. 30). Usually a special display is set-up with lots of the featured Kellogg’s products for this back-to-school promotion. Utah Deal Diva found hers at an endcap at Walmart. If you still haven’t done your Kellogg’s Fuel for School $10 Rebate then this coupon book would help you create a better deal.
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Agh, I can't believe people sell coupons like that! Anyhow, I found this in my store this week and didn't find the coupons all that exciting. All of them are save $$ off of something else when you buy 2 other specific Keebler/Kelloggs products. For instance, save $2 on store brand bread WYB any 2 packages of Kelloggs fruit flavored snacks, yogo bits, or yogos rollers.
If you can't find them in the store, somebody on eBay is selling a bunch of them, for only $2 ( $2.50 w/ shipping). Still a great deal. I searched "kellogs coupon" and it came up.