Are you a member of Pampers Gifts to Grow? I’ve got another code worth 1 point for everyone to add to their account thanks to Irina. Plus shipping & handling is included on all prize orders.
GRATUIT89102009 (1 point)
Have you checked out my great big list of Baby, Toddler and Kid Freebies? I’ve got two toddlers and have my eye out for the freebies for our little ones.
More Pampers Gifts to Grow points
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I just used the code now (Nov 9th) and it worked for me :)And BTW I didn't even know about this! I've been throwing away all my boxes/packaging without looking & I only use Pampers (and lots of them ;))
not valid for me either!
Didn't work for me either.
This didn't work for me either.
10 15 09 Promotional Code GRATUIT89102009 1.00 Word for me ;)
no luck here either.
No luck here either :(
your site is great! thanks so much for the freebies!! i'll definitely be visiting often.
It didn't work for me. :-(
worked 4 me
did not work for me either.
It isn't working for me either.
Code didn't work for me either.
It said invalid for me as well
It worked fine for me.
That same code was posted on another website about three weeks ago, so it's possible that you had previously entered it.
It worked for me…no problems.
I didn't work for me, it said it wasn't valid. Anyone else had this problem?