You missed this coupon but I’ve got more Coupons for you to save with.
Print two coupons to Save $2.00 on one half gallon of Silk Soy, Almond, or Coconut Milk when you take the quick “Silk for Milk 10-Day Challenge Quiz” (look for the blue “Get A Coupon” button at the top right). It’s a SmartSource coupon which prints at the top of the page with nothing below it. Click on the “Download your coupon now” after your first coupon prints to print your second unique coupon. You’ve got one month before your unique coupons expire. Thanks goes to Couponers United for sharing!
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Image credit: Silk
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Does the Silk Coconut and Almond have soy in it????
Bought my chocolate almond silk milk for only $0.79 today! whoo hoo! $2.00 coupon and the milk is on sale for $2.79 @ Giant.
I get a $.75 off coupon too…but when you clcik and look at the coupon URL above, it has a 3-20-2011 date in it, so the $2 coupon may have expired on 3-20, and now we get a $.75 coupon instead. I’m guessing…
Cannot get coupon to print due to insufficient software, and my spy-killer software keeps locking out the java applet. What a bummer.
Great! Thanks so much for the details on how to get these offers. I love not being confused. :)
Great! Thanks so much for the details on how to get these offers. I love not being confused. :)
I’m not being given the option to take the survey, so only a $0.75 coupon for me :( We have a 2 gallons of Pure Almond per week habit at our house, so $2 would have been great.
I’m not being given the option to take the survey, so only a $0.75 coupon for me :( We have a 2 gallons of Pure Almond per week habit at our house, so $2 would have been great.
when I click it it says it is a .75 coupon…. does anyone know why?
Melissa – If you don’t take the survey then it’s a $0.75 coupon, if you take
the short survey it should turn into a $2 coupon.
Thanks! I completed the short survey to get my $2.00 off coupon. I was able to print 2! :)
I can’t print this coupon. I have Java installed but the site won’t let me print. When I go back to try again, it tells me that I already printed the coupon ….. NOT! I seem to have a problem with Java. Bummer!!
These coupons are gold when you have family members that can’t do dairy. I got the $2.00 twice just for filling out the survey. Thanks!
Make sure to use Safari, not Firefox on a Mac. I got through the whole thing and it said my browser wasn’t supported for printing the coupon :(
Thank You!
you have to take the survey if you want the $2 coupon
Thanks, it let me print the $2.00 coupon and I was already registered from last years “Win a years supply of Silk Soymilk” contest. We love this product.
Why can’t I get this coupon to print? It says that my security won’t allow installation of the application, but we don’t really have any security on our system. How can I override this??? I have to get my Silk, as I’m pregnant and the baby is apparently lactose intolerant.
Why can’t I get this coupon to print? It says that my security won’t allow installation of the application, but we don’t really have any security on our system. How can I override this??? I have to get my Silk, as I’m pregnant and the baby is apparently lactose intolerant.
This coupon is only for 75 cents! Thought you might like to know.