My name is Heather Hernandez and my blog helps everyone save money with freebies. I live in Houston, Texas where I left my engineering career to be a stay-at-home mom. I started blogging when my family transitioned from a two-income household without kids to a one-income household with two kids. First-hand experience is the best teacher when learning how to save money. Blogging is the best way for me to share what I’ve learned and help everyone get more for free and have fun at the same time!
At you’ll learn how to save money on the products you use daily by getting free samples, using coupons, winning sweepstakes with thousands of prizes, and winning giveaways. Plus find out what free events are coming up and how to treat yourself to free birthday treats. I share the hottest new freebies every day. You will be amazed and feel incredibly spoiled when you find out what you can get for free!
Please contact Heather with questions or media inquiries.
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Hey Heather, I am Thad, founder of Indie Goodz and I wanted to say thanks to you and for telling your community about our free $15 promo. We had a tremendous response from it. To say thanks we’d like to offer your community $15 back and free shipping on any purchase of $30 or more.
It is automatically applied at checkout through Dec 31.
Thanks so much!
Thank you Thad, I will post this amazing offer for my readers!!!
New to this site. Checking it out to see what’s out there.
Could you tell me if you do sweepstakes on Facebook and how does someone get their winnings if the won something
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your website and your hard work. I’ve tried a few “free sample” websites and almost inevitably,they are a con, wanting me to answer a list of personal questions before I can sign up for that free coupon which I never get. You should be really proud of the ease of your website and your total honesty. Thanks!
Please UNSUBSCRIBE me. I don’t have time to read all my email as it is. I was also looking for a totally freebie site. This one usually asks for some money or to do things that I don’t have time for.
Please contact me with the correct information to unsubscribe. Thank you.
I’ve unsubscribed you from the daily email.
Just wanted you to know how grateful I am to you for starting up this site,It has helped me and my family more than you will ever know.I spread the word about it to everyone I know and don’t know.
Just wanted to tell you I love your site and you don’t know how much you have helped me save money for my family through coupons.Thanks again for getting this site up and running.I’ve told everyone I know and don’t know about it!!!
I think you have a wonderful site.
Is there a monthly charge for this? And if not, how do you earn your money?
Wanda –
Freebies 4 Mom is FREE to access. I earn money through sponsored opportunities.
I was trying to find a website that I used a while back. I am fairly certain the freebie came from your site. They do custom mugs and reusable shopping totes. But, I haven’t seen anything from them recently. Do you have any idea what the site would be?
Love your blog. Feels nice to find great deals. Have noticed lately that I cannot view previous/old posts on the mobile version. Can you fix it. Thanks
On the mobile version of you can scroll down and you’ll see a dark purple bar across the screen – click on it and older posts will load for you. Thanks for your patience as I look for a better mobile version to use!
Hi, Heather I saw your blog on Fox 26 last night I am interested in working from home however I have never found a legit website that actually pay you.
Renita –
I built my business from scratch and I learned as I went. Here’s a great resource for different work-at-home opportunities:
I want to promote my free eBook but the link is not good
I am not able to find your free ebooks anymore.
Are they hidden or something?
Thanks for the free ebooks you have had.
I can’t figure out how to look at older posts there is no arrow at bottom or anything
Thanks for contacting me. I’m working on adding a link at the bottom to view Older Posts. For now I recommend using the Pink Menubar at the top – click on “Freebies” or “Prizes” or “Deals” or “Money” depending on what you’re interested in.
Hey – I’m an Austinite! Wow! When you featured my book yesterday I got 744 clicks on my website! So cool – thank you! (Again please :))
~Nancy Jill Thames
Author of the Jillian Bradley Mystery Series
Nancy –
You’re so welcome and please let me know about your next eBook promotion. Fill out my “Share Free eBooks” form here:
Is it ok if I link to your blog from mine,
Love it!
I have been following your blog for quite some time and I just now realized you are in Houston! Cool :)
Yes, I live in Houston. If you are also a blogger living in Houston then I’d
like to invite you to attend the monthly* Houston Blogging
Can you please tell me why this says the deal below is good only thru May 20 but yet when I called them directly to find out what time exactly it expired they said it would expire on May 23, 2011? I even called twice to verify. Thanks
You can get an 8×11 Photo Book for only $15with coupon code BOOK4MAY You can get this deal thru Friday, May 20. You pay $15.00 total for one 8×11 Personalized Cover Photo Book (20
pages, includes shipping) plus tax. You can only use
this coupon code once per account.
I’m an affiliate for Snapfish which means as I share the photo deals I also make money.
they just extended the offer – that often happens with photo deals and I
update my post as soon as I find out officially that the offer has been
Why is there a different format for the daily sweeps? Or is my computer messed up? I think it was much better before, sorry!
When you click on “Daily Sweeps 4 Mom” from the top menu bar one post will
appear, just click on the title to see the full post.
When you click on “Daily Sweeps 4 Mom” from the top menu bar one post will
appear, just click on the title to see the full post.
love this site