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When you “Like” Butterfinger on Facebook you can print two coupons to Buy 1 Get 1 Free Butterfinger Snackerz (up to $0.99 value). Under their “Coupons” tab you need to click on the yellow “Download the Coupon” button that appears after you “Like”. The coupons are “bricks” (hit the back button to print a second coupon) and print at the bottom of the page with a color ad above and you’ve got one month before they expire. Thanks goes to Simplify with Sybil for sharing!
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Where do you find these Butterfinger Stackers??? I can’t find them anywhere!!! HELP!!!
Thanks so much I love ya Freebies 4 Mom you ROCK
Thanks and have a great day, TM
Sweet, I love these. They taste amazing!