This freebie does require using a postage stamp – so might not be worth it for you. Breyer’s YoCrunch yogurt is 58 cents at my Walmart.
Don’t forget to save those candy wrappers! Just mail in any of your kids Halloween candy wrappers for a coupon for a free YoCrunch Yogurt. You can mail in your wrappers during the two weeks following Halloween (until November 14).
what kind of candy wrappers.
This offer makes my head spin!YoCrunch says in their offer that they want to help parents transition their kids to a healthier diet.They are offering a free yogurt with CANDY in it!Now, I know one YoCrunch had granola, but on the webpage for the free offer, there are only pictures of the yogurt with candy in it!!!!With all that said, I will use this free offer to have my son practice his writing skills and how to mail a letter. But he knows there is no way I am letting him choose a yogurt with candy in it – we will choose the granola one.