Another great reason to request some free samples for products you are interested in is that many samples come with coupons! Sometimes they will tell you that your samples comes with a coupon, and sometimes they will surprise you with it. Typically the coupons come directly from the manufacturer that is providing the sample. If you request a sample from a store, such as Walmart, then it usually will not come with any coupons.

The nice thing about the coupons you get with the samples is that they often have expiration dates that are way out in the future (like 2015)! This coupon can become a permanent fixture in your coupon file since it doesn’t expire anytime soon, or if you determine you don’t need it you can give it to someone who does need it without rushing to get it to them before it expires. The coupons also can be for higher values than you would normally find, if it is for a product you’ve seen coupons for elsewhere (like in the Sunday paper). Sometimes I get samples with coupons that already expired – talk about a poor sampling campaign.

So, when you go to your mailbox today and find a sample that you requested – open it immediately! If there is a coupon inside, clip it and file it so that you can find it when you want to use it or give it away.

If you are new to Freebies 4 Mom and want to get started requesting your samples I would recommend browsing my most recent posts. You can also scan my list of “Labels for My Posts” by scrolling down until you see it on the right-hand side. Click on what you are interested in to get the details. I try to keep my site updated, but if you ever find a sample that is no longer available, please let me know by posting a comment or sending me an e-mail.
