The hottest 4 new grocery coupons, pick out the ones that will save you money!
Save $1.50 on Starbucks Ice Cream
A great coupon for Starbucks Ice Cream found in your grocer’s freezer section. If you use Internet Explorer print here. If you use Safari print here. Thanks goes to My Frugal Adventures who says she will use her two coupons at Walmart where a quart costs $2.48 (so that’s only $0.98 after using this coupon).
Trident $1.00 off 2 packages
Thanks to Sara who told me to register to print this coupon, I only buy chewing gum when I have a coupon and this is a great one because it’s good for any variety of single packs of Trident Gum. I seem to find the best prices on gum at Target, but also find some on clearance at CVS and Kroger since the packaging changes often.
Save $1 on Newman’s Own Thin & Crispy pizza
A great frozen pizza coupon, I love the unique flavors of this frozen pizza and it’s on sale often. Scroll thru the over 80 coupons to find this one and remember you can print this coupon twice.
Save $0.50 on Lucky Charms
This coupon is still available and it’s one of my favorites because I’m winning cash by buying specially marked boxes of cereal. My Kroger also doubles it for $1 off. Scroll thru the over 80 coupons to find this one and remember you can print this coupon twice.
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when I printed the Lucky Charms coupon it says "do not double or triple." disappointing :(
I had trouble printing the Trident coupon also. I was finally able to only get it to print in IE
Trident coupon wouldn't work for me, a screen came up that said We’re unable to support coupon printing on your system at this time. The Coupon Print Activator is supported on Windows Operating Systems 2000, ME, XP and Vista when used with Internet Explorer 6.x and 7.x, or Firefox 2.0 and 3.0. Coupon printing is not supported under Linux, Unix or Web TV platforms. Strange since I have windows XP and IE. I called cadbury and they couldn't do anything about it and said they couldn't send me the coupon in the mail. Bummer.
Where do you find the trident coupon??
Starbucks Ice Cream is buy one get one free at Publix!! Should be less than .50 with this coupon!!!! Yay!!!!
I didn't see the Newmans
Thanks for the Trident coupon! I love gum, but hate paying the price for it!