JingitYou’ll love the current Hot Deals, sorry you missed this deal.I’ve got an updated list of Jingit Ads here. There are four ads you can view today to earn $1.32 from Jingit. Remember that some of these ads “reload” daily so check back tomorrow to see if you can watch them again and earn again! If you’re new to Jingit, please read my Make up to $15 a week from Jingit introduction post and feel free to ask me questions. This is a money-making opportunity I use myself to help reduce my grocery bill! I just added $22.91 to my Jingit Debit card to use for groceries. Please note that although these ads earned money for me today, I can’t guarantee that you will find them available in your account.

Earn $0.20 from S’Mores Ad

Earn $0.12 from Elmers Ad

Earn $1.00 from Billy on the Street Ad (reloads 3x for some, so check back tomorrow!)

Earn $0.06 from Music.Me Ad

What’s Money 4 Mom about? My goal is to encourage life-long learning, teach new ways for earning money, and inspire my blogging community through my own experiences and by sharing tips from my readers. This is a sponsored post, but my opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links, please visit my Disclosure Policy.

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