Geta free 2 oz. travel bottle of Biotrue multi-purpose solution from Costco if you are a Costco member. Not all the samples that Costco mails out require a membership number, but this one does. If you are not a member, please wait because these samples often open up to everyone after a few weeks (I’ll let you know). You should receive your sample within 4 to 6 weeks. You can also print a $2 coupon to get BioTrue for free at stores that sell the 2 oz. travel size.
Thx Amanda (I really do have very bad eye sight)!
Look on the left side under the product picture and click on the blue arrow with Get A Sample written in a rectangle. It will take you to a form.
Thanks Heather! I had just printed the $2 coupon earlier today, but would rather get the sample by mail! ;-)
I went to the link, but not sure how to get it. I’m a Costco member. Thx!