Sorry, they pulled this rebate form early. Score a free Brita pitcher and possibly make money on the deal when you take advantage of the latest Brita Water Filtration System rebate. Get $10 back by mail when you buy a Brita Water Filtration System (Pour-Through or Faucet Mount) before 3/31/12. The pitcher qualifies as “pour-through”. You’ll find the Brita pitcher for under $10 at Walmart and Walgreens. Combine them with a $5 printable Brita coupon or a $4 off coupon found in the 8/21 SmartSource insert or the October issue of All You, and submit the rebate to make this a money-maker. You can also get a $5 mail-in rebate when you buy a reusable filtered Brita Water Bottle. Purchase must be made by 3/31/12. (Image credit: Brita)
New to rebates? Read Simple Tips for Getting Rebates at Northern Cheapskate.
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Never mind! I found it on another blog. Thanks!
Does anyone have the form? My printer was broken so I couldn’t print at the time. Thank you so much. I would be so grateful.
I too need a rebate form ……please send me one….
I too need the form. I didn’t print it right away because our walmart was constantly out of the pitchers but I was able to get on e on sunday.
Anyone have a blank rebate form???? Just went to website to fill it out and it wad gone……so sad :(
I’ll reimburse you!!!!!! Or maybe it could be scanned and e-mailed :)
i saved the pdf file of the rebate form – let me know if you still need it.
May I have the form? Thank you so much!
I would love a copy of the rebate form as well if anyone has it. I didn’t print it earlier. You can send to:
would love to get a copy of the rebate form. Would you send me a copy of the pdf file.
If possible can you please email me a copy of the pdf rebate form. I would greatly apprecitate it. Brandyc177 at
Mind send a copy to me too? Thanks in advanced! sfunny0 at
I just went on a hunt for one and can’t find it… can you email it to me?? I will be forever grateful!
Could I please get the form e-mailed to Thank you Thank you Thank you! :)
would love of copy of the rebate form, I can’t find it anywhere!
That’s great. I bought one, but missed to print the rebate form. It would be great if you could forward it to me.
Thanks in advance
Could you pls send me a copy of the Brita rebate form. Thanks a ton
Do you mind send me a copy of Brita rebate form to Thank you so much :)
I would REALLY appreciate a copy of this pdf!!! Thank you so much!!
I would appreciate a copy of the pdf Brita rebate if you still have it. Thanks so much!
I had the same problem & was hoping someone had saved the form. I would love it if you could send it to me, too :) Thanks!!!!
Would you please send it to me as well. I printed it and put it in my binder, but now it’s nowhere to be found. Thanks in advance!
If you have a chance, could you please email it to me too? Thanks!
Would you please email it to me too? I would appreciate it so much!!
would be so grateful if you could send- i also waited too longto print. thank you so very much!
may I have a rebate form sent to me also? my email is Thank you so much!
would you mind sending it to me as well if it’s still valid? would be ever so grateful! Thanks!!!!