Brita PitcherSorry, they pulled this rebate form early. Score a free Brita pitcher and possibly make money on the deal when you take advantage of the latest Brita Water Filtration System rebate. Get $10 back by mail when you buy a Brita Water Filtration System (Pour-Through or Faucet Mount) before 3/31/12.  The pitcher qualifies as “pour-through”.  You’ll find the Brita pitcher for under $10 at Walmart and Walgreens.  Combine them with a $5 printable Brita coupon or a $4 off coupon found in the 8/21 SmartSource insert or the October issue of All You, and submit the rebate to make this a money-maker. You can also get a $5 mail-in rebate when you buy a reusable filtered Brita Water Bottle.  Purchase must be made by 3/31/12. (Image credit: Brita)

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