Sorry, no longer available. If you missed out on the free Earthbound Farm tote bag, you still have a chance to grab one.
The next giveaway opportunity starts at noon (PT) Tuesday, April 6. (2 p.m. CT) The first 4,000 who take a quiz (and get all answers correct) will get a free Earthbound Farm reusable tote bag . Click on “Come Into The Kitchen” to take the quiz. If you get any questions wrong, you can go back and correct your answers. You’ll fill out a form to get your bag at the end.
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Is this give-away done daily at noon?
I believe they are doing this giveaway everyday in April so stay tuned tomorrow if you didn't get one today.
I tried at 3:45 EST and they were out…of course
Thanks, it said I am getting a bag! I am always looking for reusable grocery bags.
got one! its 12.27pt
I just took the quiz and will be receiving my bag in May!
Got mine, Thanks!
that was fun!!!!!!!Thanks for registering — your Earthbound Farm shopping bag will be mailed to you in May, 2010!
I just got one and can't wait!
Just got a bag—thank you!
I got one! Here's a secret. I logged in 5 mins before 3:00 (EST) and answered all of the questions. HOWEVER, I did not hit submit until 3:00 pm exactly and it worked. If you don't get one this time around, try the above method next time. Good luck.
yea! Just won a bag!
@above, the giveaway doesn't start till 3pm EST/2pmCT/12:00pm PST !!!!!
It doesn't start until about an hour from now, so cannot be out, yet.
i Know…took that test…sorry out of bags….GREAT….
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I took that whole quiz and they are out of bags again. Great.