Sorry, this deal has expired but find more current Deals on Freebies 4 Mom. Order a FREE Joyful Hearts Stone Earrings ($19 value) at Sneakpeeq available to new members only of Sneakpeeq (a social deals site). Find them under STYLE then JOYFUL HEARTS. The color of your earrings will be a surprise! Because your order is $0.00, no credit card number. It’s easy to sign-up thru Facebook.
Be sure you click on “click to earn free shipping” to get the $1 shipping cost deducted when you share Sneakpeeq with friends on Facebook. Leave the “Payment Info” blank if your order is $0.00 (no payment info is needed). This post contains affiliate links, please visit my Disclosure Policy. (image credit: Sneakpeeq)
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Not coming up free for me, says the earrings are 19 minus my 10 off which makes them $9. :(
oh well got the one heart pendant for free instead.
It worked for me with free shipping, thanks
I clicked to get the free shipping and it went away then never showed up again. I paid the shipping because they were cute enough, but when a website says free I expect that it truly is.
how do you “peeq”
Just click on the image or where it says “Peeq”
The total shows up as $20 for me …
I don’t get the free shipping option. Can someone help me?
nm got it to work
It keeps telling me it’s $19.00 not free
cant get it to work :(
I signed up but I cant seem to find the earrings.. maybe Im doing something wrong..?
Got my ear rings today! Love them, thank you so much! Love you site!
Great to hear – which color did you get?
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I just signed up, but no Free price?
I signed up when the perk was the eternal summer bracelet. It took like a month but I finally got it completely free and i love it! I’m actually wearing it right now!
I’m so glad you got it and you’re happy with it!
Where is the cart or checkout? Thanks
I have no idea how to purchase these! There’s no button to click to purchase! I’m so confused! Feels like a trick now that I’ve signed up and can’t purchase them and it’s only a new member perk which means that I can’t get any other new member perks and I didn’t even get this one!
I’m sorry it’s confusing! You click on the image after you login to Sneakpeeq then “Peeq” to reveal the price and “Buy” it
It worked for me. I hope this is not a gimmick. Has anyone gotten their earrings yet?
I’m still waiting for my first order from Sneakpeeq
I signed up when it was the rhapsody ring and i got it it one week. Just wait they aren’t a scam :)
it’s asking me for A credit card # for the shipping. what am i doing wrong?
Please contact Sneakpeeq for help – I do not know why the free shipping appears for some, but not for everyone. You should be able to share Sneakpeeq with friends to get free shipping on this order – but it has to appear next to your order before you can click on it.
I signed up through you. Just got the email today with link. But like Tsmith, bummer, it keeps showing the $1 shipping & handing. i don’t like having to share ads with friends, but it gives no option to click onto to share anyway. Bummer, these would have been nice.
I had been invited throughout the year from people but never did was so confused with it, until I finally gave in with your temptations. ;o) I”ll pass on though if s&h.
Hana – You are wise to pass on it. I wish it was more consistent and working for everyone!
Bummer, me too.
The same happened to me and I just entered the shipping address and not the billing address or credit card # and then submitted it. It went through just fine and sent me to the “Congrats” page and told me when it will be shipped. Hope this helps!
I don’t see the ‘click for free shipping’ anywhere. Shipping is still $1.
Nice – just got mine ordered…..Nice perk for being a new member. Free shipping for sharing with others as well.
I just signed up… and I cant use a peeq on this item. I can use it on others…
I cannot find the free shipping info?
I don’t see anything for free-the price is $19
The price is only $0.00 for brand new Sneakpeeq members (you just signed-up today).
Doesn’t that make her a brand new member? So why is it still $19?
im having the same problem!
I did just sign up today and it is still telling me it’s going to be way more than free…
Is anybody else having log in problems? Have been trying for days.