The first 100,000 get a free pack of React Gum by Wrigley. Click on “See if you are chosen” and then you need to connect with Facebook. Fill out your mailing address and your free pack of gum will be on it’s way! Thanks goes to Smart Couponing for sharing this new freebie!
459 total views , 2 views today
I'm sorry, that's your Applications tab . . .
After you let them have access, go to your FB account and click on your securtity settings. There should be a tab in there for applications. Click the 'X' and take off the Strident and any others you might want off. Then they can't go and post on your friends.
Wait, whats up with the pictures? I wanted some gum :)) but now Im not sure if I want to if theyre going to take my profile pic and do something with it
Yeah, I didn't like their presentation either. Hope I like their gum better.
I won to – but thought seeing my pictures was very creepy too.
Creepy!! I thought that the pic thing was cool but creepy. Thanks.
Filled in my address…tried to click the check that I understand the privacy policy but cannot accept it (only thing that happens is the actual policy pops up). There is no way to submit the page.
Okay, i was on your facebook site & didn't get it what it was about. Saw this email & tried again.I did get the invite—really cool seeing my avitar of "He Lives!" across the screen…and then to know "your chosen". HOW COOL IS THAT. I couldn't tell it was working at first & went to become a Fan…but…I'm not having a good FAN day. I have no cell phone so have to verify each sign up individually & nothing it taking today. It didn't work. So back to other screen & saw it had chosen me. So maybe it just needs more time to load to work for u all.
Yeah, I didn't like the suprise of having them to connect to your Facebook account just to get a free pack of gum.If I would have known they would have been able to do that with your pictures I would probably not have even gone to the site at all…and what happens to all of the pictures that they do this with….anyone have any idea…Thanks…
I thought it was pretty cool & different! I was chosen, but yeah, kinda creepy seeing my pics lol.
Thanks! I was chosen!
YAA, I wonder how they get all of your pics to show up like that, it was cool but Kind of creepy lol. Hope I get the mint one I don't like the sour one.
I was glad that I only have one picture on my facebook acct. I was able to get one!
I don't like that some of these sites make you allow them to post on your FB wall whenever they want. Guess I'm not getting a free pack of gum :(
This is a graphics-intensive website. You might need to have Adobe Flash Player to view it properly. Just a guess!
I click on it but it's not doing anything…does that mean I wasn't chosen?