Create a pledge at Gerber’s website and the first 10,000 qualified entries will receive a free stainless steel Gerber Educator or Feeding spoon. But wait, there’s more! You will be able to print the best Gerber coupon I have ever seen. This coupon is to Save up to $3.00 on any Gerber Baby Food, Graduates Foods, or Graduates for Preschoolers. Your coupon will expire one month from the date that you print it. Since most of these products are normally priced under $3, it’s like Gerber is giving you $3 of free baby/toddler food! There is also a printable coupon to Save $5.00 on any Nestle Good Start Formula. These coupons are special because of the lack of restrictions on the product types and sizes you use them on. That makes them really good coupons because they are more flexible.

So, what’s the pledge supposed to be? Anything you want to pledge to your child, it’s really easy and quick to create. Just upload between one and five photos and write whatever type of pledge you want to for your child. You can choose to publish your pledge as “Anonymous” on the website. You do need to be a member of the Gerber or Nestle website in order to submit your pledge. I was able to sign-in with my email address and password after creating my pledge. My guess is they would prompt you to sign-up if your email address is not in the Gerber/Nestle system. You will receive your free spoon between 6 and 12 weeks and they will select the type of spoon to send you based on the stage your child is in (choose Pregnancy thru Preschooler).

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