When you get freebies inside your mailbox, it’s fun to check the mail! Take a peak into my “FreeBox” (it’s my mailbox, but only filled with freebies, coupons and hot deals) and find out how to fill your mailbox with freebies:

May 21FREEBOX CHECK May 21: Poise sample with coupon (purple envelope from Walmart)Free 8×10 Walgreens Photo (from Mother’s Day promo), Flexitol sample with coupon, $5 Target gift card from Real Simple Rebate, Metamucil sample with coupon (from Walmart), Magazines: Autoweek, Popular Mechanics, Opera News

What did you get in your mailbox today? Please share by leaving a comment on this post, or post a photo on Facebook. I love to hear what you’re getting inside your mailbox! This post may contain affiliate links. For more information please visit my Disclosure Policy.

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