When you get freebies inside your mailbox, it’s fun to check the mail! Take a peak into my “FreeBox” (it’s my mailbox, but only filled with freebies, coupons and hot deals) and find out how to fill your mailbox with freebies:
FREEBOX CHECK May 21: Poise sample with coupon (purple envelope from Walmart), Free 8×10 Walgreens Photo (from Mother’s Day promo), Flexitol sample with coupon, $5 Target gift card from Real Simple Rebate, Metamucil sample with coupon (from Walmart), Magazines: Autoweek, Popular Mechanics, Opera News
What did you get in your mailbox today? Please share by leaving a comment on this post, or post a photo on Facebook. I love to hear what you’re getting inside your mailbox! This post may contain affiliate links. For more information please visit my Disclosure Policy.
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I LOVE getting freebies in my mailbox and the magazines I get are fantastic!
I get a lot of free subscriptions and they add up fast. If anyone else has a plethora of awesome free magazines that they aren’t using, consider donating them to your local hospital. They distribute them to patients and families and are always in need of more! Nothing is better than SHARING the awesome freebies we get! :-)
Great idea! I donate my magazines to a local charity the distributes magazines to hospitals and other public waiting rooms in Houston.