Keebler Grahams

Get money back with the current Rebates since this one has ended.

Purchase specially-marked Kellogg’s products and collect codes to earn $5 in gas cash, $5 concession cash, and other Cars 2 gear.

Each code equals one point and there are a lot of participating products to choose from. Just visit Kellogg’s Cars 2 site to enter your codes.

Remember: If you buy the specially marked Cars 2 boxes of Kellogg’s Crispix and Kellogg’s Rice Krispies you can also submit the UPC’s for the Kellogg’s $10 Gas Cash Rebate for even more savings.

The Cars 2 promotion runs through 9/30/12 and the $10 Gas Cash Rebate runs through 12/31/11 so you have plenty of time to collect codes.

New to rebates?  Check out Simple Tips for Getting Rebates at Northern Cheapskate.

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Image credit: Kellogg’s

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