🎅Sweeps Hornitos Holiday Home Bar Makeover

Please enter the current Sweepstakes instead of this expired one.

Are you 21 or older? Do you live in AR, CA, IL, ID, IN, IA, KS, LA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, ND, OH, OK, OR, SD or WY? If so, you should enter one time for a chance to win the Hornitos Holiday Sweepstakes. There will be 20 winners of a bar cart, bar accessories and $100 gift card (value $550) and 80 winners of a $50 gift card and cocktail shaker (value $55). This sweeps started November 2 and ends December 31 which breaks down to about 2 winners per day. 

Win even more sweepstakes when you subscribe!
