I know it’s not just me! I know lots of my readers have got to feel the same way! A little impatient? A little excited? What will you get today in the mail? If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far in my hobby as a freebie-hunter, it’s that I will be surprised on most days by something I get in the mail. Yes, I requested most of the free samples, coupons, and other goodies I get – but no, I have no idea when I’ll actually receive them! So, I get a little excited as nap time draws to a close and my little boys and I take our daily walk to the mailbox. My 3-year old is excited too, because he knows that every box is a “present” that he gets to help open. I hope you are enjoying your “presents” in the mail as well! What did you get today?
Here’s what Andrea got this week – and she was lovely to send me the above photo as well!
“This has been a great week for Freebies in the mail. I have received 16 Freebies! I attached a photo for you to see. I am not sure why I received 2 pairs of undies from Hanes and also 2 good night pull-ups from Wal-mart. Without your hard work and your blog, I would not have received all these wonderful Freebies! Thank you so much for all you do!”
Thanks for sharing, Andrea! Feel free to post a comment and tell us what you got in the mail today?
I’m glad everyone is lovin’ their freebies! A note about the Total sample – I also got the Raisin Bran and not the Cranberry Crunch. General Mills sent me an email to tell me that I may receive the Raisin Bran variety instead and apologized for the switch. Just a little glitch in their sampling campaign I guess!
Thank you so much for this website. It is so awesome!! Every day this week when DH picked me up from work he gave me the “freebie report” :)– “You got 2 samples today, 1 sample today, etc” We are going away for the weekend and my bag will be much lighter due to carrying samples of lotion, toothpaste, shampoo and body wash. On a side note, the Total sample was disappointing–the outside box said cranberry crunch all over it and when I opened it, there was a sample of raisin bran inside :(. I can’t complain too much, tho, it was perfect for the price ;). I’m curious to know if this happened to anyone else.Thanks again for your website and all your hard work!!
This must be the week here too! I was looking at your pic saying, “Hey I got that and that..and that too!!” Thanks for posting all the great finds!!
Yesterday’s mail was a *great* freebie day! I got the Sensodyne toothpaste, Dove Go-Fresh deodorant, Kraft Food and Family magazine (no coupons, though — sniff), some knitted strawberries from an online friend, books from Steeple Hill and Cocoa Amore packets and a grocery coupons sign-up thing from a subscription offer from Creative Home Arts* magazine. The mail is fun again!Their web site is http://www.creativehomeartsclub.com, but I can’t find that subscription offer on there — it may be limited to those who receive the “invitation to join the club” I got in the mail. I just put up a post on it, because if someone else gets that invitation, it is a good deal. http://topaztook.livejournal.com/135084.html
This month I have gotten… Gillette body wash, Dove deodorant, Colgate, Dove pro-age sham/cond, Little Snowflakes Big Adventure book, Cosmo, Seventeen, icy/hot, goodnight, huggies diaper, Huggies body wash/lotion, Pullups DVD, Kashi mountain Medley, plus coupons from a few different companies. I love freebies. Oh wait I also printed two coupons free chips! This has been a good month.
I am planning a two-week trip this summer with my girls to visit family out East, so I am taking the time this spring to stock up on shampoo, toothpaste and deoderant samples so I don’t have to spend $1 a pop on those little travel sized items! Thanks for helping me save quite a few dollars!And I was so excited to find TWO Betty Crocker Warm Delights cakes in my mailbox this week! My hubby and I are going to share a late night treat this weekend! :)
Love your blog! I received a Redwood Creek print, on the go drink mixes from WalMart and Aquafresh Extreme Clean toothpaste. The toothpaste came just in time to go on vacation next week.Just recently started requesting the freebies, and in the past week also received Icy Hot, Kashi Mountain Medley Granola and Fiber One.
I just started the whole freebie process and got the first things in the mail a few days ago. So exciting!So far we have sensodyne toothpaste, frizz ease hair stuff, and 100 free business cards.:)
Yesterday we received the Caulk sample,Total Cranberry Crunch cereal, Kashi mountain Medley cereal, Sensodyne toothpaste, and Betty Crocker Warm Delight Minis Molten Chocolate cake. The boxes were stacked high on top of the mail. It was a fun day
granola bar, laundry soap & cat food coupon. my first payload. :)
Today I received the 2 Betty Crocker Warm Delights mini bowls and a bag of Starbucks coffee. Thank you for your blog.
It’s been a good freebie week around here, too … today I received a black BBQ apron (great for hubbie) for filling out a survey for Coleman natural meats, plus coupons; a Kotex pad (and coupon); some heel balm samples; and the Magic School Bus book which we read at naptime. Yesterday was the potty training DVD and the caulk sample, and Monday, the Yogi teas. Plus my daughter’s b-day is next week, so we’ve received our coupons for her free Zaxby’s kid’s meal and cone at Baskin Robbins. Yeah Heather!:-)
Hi there. I got a comment from one of your readers today: Jen Glover has left a new comment on your post “Seams Like Fun”: Wow! Thank you for all the hard work! This is a great resource!!! Have a great week! P.S. You should submit this to Heather over a “Freebies 4 Mom’s” She would like it back to your site and more people could benefit! So I thought I’d pop over and see about your freebies. I can’t wait to go back and read some more of the posts! Thanks. Blessings… Polly
I’ve been getting a lot of freebies too. Yesterday I received a Kotex pad and three Yogi teas. By the time samples show up, I usually forget I requested them so it really is exciting to find a “present” in my mailbox. Thanks for all the tips!