You missed this coupon but I’ve got more Coupons for you to save with. Order a Save $2.00 on any one Kashi Product printable coupon for only 125 RecycleBank points then use it to buy Kashi Cereal to earn 50 RecycleBank points when you pledge to recycle your box (look for the green “Recycle for Rewards” on the side of specially marked boxes). I picked up “Berry Blossoms” at my Kroger store for $1.49 after using my $2 coupon. Inside my box is a unique code to redeem for 50 points. Look under “Get Rewards” then “Food & Beverage” after you sign-in to RecycleBank to order this printable coupon. You can order up to 3 Kashi Coupons per month. And if you don’t have a printer, you can request this coupon by mail (see my Glad coupon post for instructions).
RecycleBank is an easy way for everyone to get high-value coupons. You don’t have to live in an area that is participating in RecycleBank. Everyone can still sign-up for RecycleBank and earn points other ways too! You can now refer-a-friend for 10 points This post contains affiliate links. For more information please visit my Disclosure Policy. (Image credit: RecycleBank)
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