Visit a Lakeshore Learning store every Saturday for free kids crafts! They’ve got a great line-up of crafts, this Saturday your kids can design their own school bag. There are 45 stores nationwide, so check for a store near you! Heather’s family loves this FreebiEvent and sent me this by email:

I also wanted to let you know about something my family has been doing free for years. There is a store called Lakeshore Learning. It’s only in a few cities but it’s a teacher/education store. Every Saturday they offer free kids craft projects that are always SOOO cool. They offer this year round and they give your child a name badge and every time they come they get a sticker to add to the back of their badge and for every 3 stickers they get to pick a prize out of the treasure box. They are great craft projects.” -Heather in Tampa

Thanks for sharing this FreebiEvent with me, Heather! If enough of my readers tell me they’ve got a store near them, then I’ll start offering quick reminders about their Saturday craft activities.
