Have you tried the new Little Einsteins milk made by Stremicks Heritage Foods? Did you know that Little Einsteins milk comes in low fat 1% or reduced fat 2%?
Well, here is your opportunity to enter my giveaway for a chance to try it for free! I’ll be giving away 5 free cartons (via coupon) to each of 5 lucky readers over 5 weeks. That’s a total of 25 free cartons of milk that I’m giving away! So far Jill and Christie have won, but I’ve got 3 more weeks to give away milk for a total of 5 winners in 5 weeks! This giveaway is being generously offered by Stremicks Heritage Foods, who is also letting me sample this new product for free.
There is a great coupon to Save $1 off one half gallon of Little Einsteins milk . You can print the coupon twice simply by hitting the back button. You can print two more coupons at Coupons.com. My toddlers have tried this product, and they love it. You can read more about this product here. If you want to find out which stores near you carry Stremicks Heritage Foods products, use the store finder to search by zipcode.
Want to enter this giveaway? After reading this advice on BlogCoach I’ve learned about a better way to collect entries. I’ve created a Google spreadsheet so that I may collect your entry in this giveaway while keeping your email address private (I am the only person that can view it). The email addresses that I collect for this giveaway will only be used for the purpose of contacting the winners.

Where can you buy it? I’m hearing that my readers have spotted this new product at Walmart ($2.77 @ my Walmart), Safeway, Albertsons, Vans, Wegmans, and Hyvee, so print a few coupons and walk by the milk section if you are shopping at any of these stores! Of course the availability will vary by store and region. Please let me know what other grocery stores you see this product at!

I live in Olathe, KS and our WalMart does carry it. My daughter is only 13 months old though and I need whole milk, not 1 or 2%! I would love to see a whole milk version of this product.
I live in Wichita, KS and Little Einsteins milk is at Food 4 Less here. Our local Walmart and Dillons (Krogers) doesn’t carry it. -Emily