I’m on my way back to Houston today, and will have my mail from the past week delivered tomorrow. I wonder what I will get? Maybe you already know because you probably got a few things that I shared with you on my blog. If you are new to reading my blog, or need to catch-up, here’s what I’ve gotten in my mailbox recently.
It’s hard to put my finger on exactly what is so thrilling about getting freebies for me. It’s something beyond the practical and frugal aspect. I think it has something to do with the element of surprise. What will I get in my mailbox today? What will I get in my inbox today? I like a good surprise. I want you to be a smart freebie finder and use me as a resource for your freebies.
So, what surprises are you getting in your mailbox? What did you get this week? Please leave a comment because I’m experiencing serious mailbox withdrawal! And don’t forget to come back next week where I’ll be sharing what I got in my mailbox over the last two weeks instead of one. Unless I get a whole bunch of freebies, then I may have to share them sooner.
If you were nice enough to send me an email this week, please be aware that I’ll be catching up over the next week since I was unable to spend time responding to most emails while in Colorado. Thanks for your patience, and thanks for helping me share the freebies, coupons, sweeps and other good stuff with my readers.

2 different Sunsilk shampoo/conditioner samples, Biore samples, Neutrogena sample, a box of Oatmeal Crisp cereal, a travel bottle of Gellette shampoo, Nivea shaving balm, warm delights. Most of the same stuff that everyone else got.
Just back from Iowa to find 4 different Sunsilk shampoo/conditioner samples, Biore samples, Neutrogena sample, a box of Oatmeal Crisp cereal, Lipton pyramid tea bags and sleep mask, my Gerber Graduates coupons from sending in UPCs, a coupon book from Clean Home Journal (or something like that), a bottle of Eucerin lotion, a Sargento coupon from customer service, and free Discover magazine (from being a customer of Edmund Scientific.) and we were only gone 4 days!woo hoo!
Thanks, Auntie Steph – still catching up on the sleep part!
Glad you’re back, Heather! Hope you enjoyed your vacation and hopefully you guys were able to catch up sleep towards the end of your vacation.
Anonymous – That is unusual for Walmart to send a religious greeting card sample. Be sure to contact them and provide your feedback about the sample you received. I’m sure they are receiving some feedback already, but it’s always good to voice your opinion. Retailers like Walmart should care what you have to say about their store and their promotions.
The only freebie I got this past week was the greeting card from Walmart. I have gotten a couple of these before & really loved them, but this one was a religious card. Not trying to offend anyone, but I thought that was in poor taste for Walmart to send that one out-what if I was a different religion? What if I didn't believe? I realize that the majority of the people in this country are Christians, but I am not. So, I was very disappointed in that this week. All of the other freebies I have gotten have been wonderful, though; so thanks for your hard work!
Hi Heather-I stumbled upon your site from another blog I read and I absolutley love it! I signed up for my first freebie a few weeks ago and the Nutrogena Acne cream came in the mail the other day! I have to admit I was a bit skeptical but when the freebie came myu skeptism is gone! Thank you Heather for providing such an informative blog. This is a great service to Moms everywhere!Thanks again!
I got samples of the Sunsilk shampoos. I try not to sign up for the things that I can’t use so I don’t get as many samples as others. I am just like you I love to go to the mailbox. I used to hate it because it was just always bills or junk mail, but now I think maybe there will be a little present just for me!
I got that check from Filling out the survey at ALL YOU magazineAnd of course when i was asked what i liked most i put COUPONS!!!!!!!!!!!
I got several of the things others have listed but I also got a warm delights sample. Thank you for sharing these samples, giveaways etc… I too love getting the mail everyday now!
I got the Oatmeal Crisp cereal sample.
In the last week:3 packets of Emergen-C and a $1 off couponFiber One cereal sampleFiber One granola bar sampleThanks Heather, I love seeing the mailman pull up everyday!
I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful site! I check it everyday and I love the freebies I’ve gotten! One day last week I got both my free All You trial issue PLUS my free subscription to Redbook courtesy of Ad Perk! Thanks so much!
FREE SAMPLE at Procter and Gamble for Head and Shoulders! https://pgpromotions.archway.com/headandshoulders_leverage/
Hi Heather,THANKS for keeping up your blog even on vacation!! Freebies this week were Oatmeal Crisp cereal w/oupon, Gillette deep Cleansing shampoo w/coupon and Pantene blonde expressions w/coupon. I got several others the week before, so your mailbox should be overflowing!
I got a bunch of great stuff this week. I only started signing up for these freebies a few weeks ago.. so it has been super exciting to get some in. Walmart sent me, a little box of cereal.. a travel bottle of Gellette shampoo, Nivea shaving balm ( ok I was jelious that hubby got TWO things this week ) but the best thing I recieved arrived yesterday.. the Publex Baby Club Gift pack!!! It has a huge book about baby to five years old care, several FREE item coupons, and a ton of BOGO coupons, as well as a five dollar of any Huggies coupon. If you have a baby sign up… they send you coupons until the child is two! :)