Launched in 2005, helps you save big bucks on baby stuff. Baby Cheapskate is updated several times a day, seven days a week with the best baby, kid and maternity bargains Angie can find as well as shopping tips and frugal parenting strategies. Parents magazine sums up the Baby Cheapskate mission: “One minute on [Baby Cheapskate] can save you hours of shopping around– and lots of cash!” Visit Top Diaper and Formula Deals of the Week if either of these items is on your shopping list. Plus this is a great place to get a round-up of what’s happening on Baby Cheapskate each week.

I’m featuring the bloggers in my Blogroll to help thank them for being in my top 10 blog referrers for the month of July. You can also look at my Blogroll on the right-hand side to see the hottest post headlines from each blog.

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