How could I miss the biggest freebie in my life? Create your own website in the form of a blog at Blogger, a service of Google.

When I first had a desire to start my own website I felt intimidated because I did not know any computer programming languages and I was concerned that I would not be able to find free hosting. Then I found out about Blogger and now my dream of having my own website has become reality. Even better, my blog has become my part-time job so I am able to contribute to my family’s income while remaining a stay-at-home mom. Even if you have no desire to make money on your blog, I have to say that writing in the form of an online journal can be a tremendously empowering action to take. No matter what your topic, writing is a wonderful way to express yourself. Because you are writing online and other people are reading what you write, you begin to become part of a supportive community. Blogging has been a positive experience for me.

While Blogger is not perfect, it does remain a way to create your own website (or several) for free in the form of a blog, which is like an online journal. You can also place paying advertisements on your website and potentially earn money. You can create a blog about any topic you want, and create new posts as frequently or infrequently as you want to. One benefit that I’ve seen from using Blogger is that because it’s a Google service I get preferential treatment on the Google search engine and have seen some new readers visit me this way. For those interested in getting started blogging, I encourage you to choose a topic that you are passionate about, or simply blog about your life.

There are other ways to set-up a blog for free, using and I don’t have any experience using these, but wanted to at least give the links for you to check out for yourself. Update: It’s my understanding that neither WordPress or Livejournal provide free blog hosting and allow you to montize that blog. With WordPress you have an option for paid hosting which allows you to monetize. So Blogger remains unique in providing free hosting and allows you to make money from your blog.

Please visit my first Money 4 Mom: Penny by Penny post again because I just answered lots of questions in the comments. Feel free to ask any question by posting a comment here, I’ll try to answer it briefly and I may go more in-depth in future posts in this series.
