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Thanks to Carol, I found out about Nature Made’s Wellness Rewards program (this link is a bonus offer, use it to sign-up and you’ll get $5 in printable coupons). If you buy vitamins on a regular basis, you should definitely check out this program. It is a great way to save money. This is how I am reaping my Wellness Rewards (and don’t miss the free sample below):
- Buy Nature Made vitamins when they are on sale “Buy One Get One Free” (this sale happens on a regular basis at both Kroger and CVS)
- Save more money with coupons that I clipped from the ad inserts in the Sunday newspaper on my purchase (remember that you should be able to use one manufacturer’s coupon on each item, even if the store is having a “Buy One Get One Free” promotion)
- Log in to Wellness Rewards and enter the codes found on the bottle (even if there isn’t a code, you can still get points by entering the UPC)
- Reward will be mailed to you when you have enough points to redeem (i.e. you need 500 points for your first $5 coupon, next 500 points gets you a $7 coupon)
- Buy using your rewards coupon when it’s on sale for “Buy One Get One Free” and continue the money-saving process!
Get a free sample of Nature Made Mood Plus (no longer available)
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I do this too! Also, choose CVS as the store that you would like to use your free nature made coupon at and then savce even more when CVS has a $3/$15, etc. store coupons. Use the cost of the vitamin purchase towards the total purchase needed for one of CVS in sotre coupons.