I’ve seen a lot of great offers for free prints for new customers of some popular photo sites and wanted to give you a summary of the offers available. Thanks to Crystal for e-mailing me a tip about Snapfish, she inspired me to write this post. Please be aware that you will still need to pay for shipping to get these freebies. Not a new customer? You may want to sign-up your husband for his own account.

Photo offers for New Customers: These offers could change at any time! Please comment about your experience getting them/not getting them.
Snapfish – get 50 free prints
CVS Photo – get 40 free prints
Kodak Gallery – get 20 free prints and a photo mug
PhotoWorks – get 25 free prints (thanks Baby Cheapskate!)
Clark Colorlabs – get 20 free prints (thanks Kelly!)
Shutterfly – get 15 free prints

Although Shutterfly is definitely at the bottom of the list as far as the number of free prints offered with sign-up, I will say it is my favorite photo site to use for prints. I have gotten numerous freebies just for being a member of Shutterfly, like the free photo calendar that I made last summer as a Christmas gift for the grandparents. I have also gotten 3 free photo books from Shutterfly because companies (like Dreft) like to give out Shutterfly freebies.
