*Expired* šŸ”Free eBook: Godā€™s of Olympus

šŸ”Free eBook: God's of Olympus

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Enjoy this free mythology eBook by Eva Pohler only for limited a limited time. Read it from your phone, tablet or computer using free apps.

Godā€™s of Olympus: Interactive Adventure $0.00

by: Eva Pohler

ā€œYou are the main character in this encounter with the Olympians. Throughout the narrative, you make choices that change the course of the story. Which god or goddess will Cupid make your love interest? You decide. Then, to prove youā€™re worthy to become immortal, so that you can remain with your love interest, will you face Cerberus or the Hydra? Will you offer cakes or strike with the sword loaned to you by Athena? How will you steal a golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides, and who will help you through the Minotaurā€™s labyrinth, and which god or goddess will comfort you if you fail?ā€

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By |2022-06-11T18:19:14-05:00April 14, 2020 12:05 pm|Categories: Expired|0 Comments

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