I have some updates for you on rebates I’ve mentioned before, as well as some rebates that may be new for you:

May Rebate Roundup
Hooray for Free-bates! has a great list summarizing all the free-bates available through the end of May (some are satisfaction guarantees). Check the list and see if there is anything else you want to get for FREE before the month ends!

Babies ‘R Us BPA Bottle Refunds
Some Toys ‘R Us and Babies ‘R Us stores are issuing store credit for those bringing in their bottles with BPA. Each store is handling this issue differently because the only corporate-wide policy is that they will be phasing-out the BPA bottles sold from these stores. Be sure to read the comments to get a feel for what the experiences have been of some of my readers. This is something that if you are going to try doing, you need to do it soon because I expect that some stores who were accepting them now may stop accepting them soon. I know you don’t want to make the trip to the store if they will not accept them, but I am getting the impression that some stores will say “No” to you on the phone, but “Yes” to you in-person. If your store is far away, definitely call first. Many stores will absolutely not take them back unless you meet their normal return policy, because there has not been a recall issued for BPA bottles.

Ace E-Rebates
I picked up my Frugal Father’s Day gift at Ace Hardware and learned a few new things about Ace. I learned that my Ace Hardware does not accept manufacturer’s coupons (but some stores do). I also was confused when I got the hard copy of the Memorial Day Rebate Form. Looking at the form I thought that I would need to mail-in my rebate for those items where you could remove the UPC easily from the package. But when I went online to submit my E-Rebate, everything went through and there is no need for me to submit any UPCs because they keep track of my purchases and know that I bought the items I am requesting a refund for. I’ll be getting $24.94 back by rebate check. Yes, Ace is “The Helpful place” when it comes to doing online rebates!

Michelle picked-up the Windex Outdoor Cleaner while she was at Ace. It’s priced at $5.99, there was a $3 rebate from Ace (ended 5/26) and there was a $3 coupon on the bottle – making it free! Great find, Michelle! I looked at the June Rebates and didn’t see anything that might be free, but I’ll be watching for any special sales fliers in the mail from Ace, that’s how I found out about the Memorial Day Sale.

Wish-Bone Bountifuls
Wait! Don’t buy that new dressing until Friday, Saturday, or Sunday so you can get it for free! And use a coupon if you can!

Huggies $5 Rebate Extended
Baby Cheapskate says the $5 rebate had been extended to June 15. You can only request this rebate once, but it is worth it if you can combine it with a diaper deal like I did at Kroger. Here are this week’s (and a sneak peak at next week’s) diaper deals.

All You Magazine – Great Source of Rebates & Coupons
The All You magazine that is only sold at Walmart or by subscription is a great way to get additional rebates and coupons. I just subscribed to a free 2 issue trial and 15 issues for $12. In the last issue of All You that I bought, there was a rebate form for Tums Kids that I haven’t seen anywhere else.

CVS ExtraBucks – Money Saving Mom is back!
Money Saving Mom has the same address, but new hosting! She is back in the full swing of things and posting everything you need to know about shopping at CVS and getting lots of ExtraBucks back! Here are this week’s CVS deals.

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