Visit and when you promise to drop a note in your kid’s lunch, Lunchables will donate a free meal to a kid in need. They need your help to reach their goal of donating 100,000 meals (they’re at just over 80,000). It’s super easy to register and get that meal donated! And if you need further enticement, you can print a coupon to Save $1 off Lunchables Lunch combinations. Thanks for helping them reach their goal!
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Haha, at Anoymous :-) My son is only 8 months old, so it will be a while before I get to put notes in his lunch.
We homeschool, so I leave notes for them in other places. But I LOVED finding notes from my mom in my lunch when I was a kid. Almost every day, she'd draw pictures or write notes on my napkin.
My son is in the second grade and I did this and put a note in his lunch box. Well, lets just say it was NOT a hit and I got a call from the school right after lunch time saying my son was SICK!! When I got him home he was just fine…he was just upset because all the kids at his lunch table were making fun of him :(We just laughed it off and I promised to NEVER stick a note in his lunch box again!! (p.s. All I wrote in the note was "Hope you are having a great day" love mom)