Sorry, these hot coupons are no longer available. A great way to get ready to pass out cheap candy for Halloween is to use coupons! Thanks to Money Saving Mom I just heard about these high-value printable candy coupons. Here are two coupons that will give you a great deal at most stores. Look for a sale and you’ll get an even better deal.

Save $2.00 on 1 bag of Nestle bag (24 oz. or larger)
click on “Foods” to find this coupon faster, print it twice

Save $2.00 on 1 bag of Wonka bag (24 oz. or larger)
click on “Foods” to find this coupon faster, print it twice

I’m also passing out my blog’s business card to parents. And the littlest kids will get Betty Crocker fruit snacks that I picked up as part of this Kroger deal. What are you passing out for Halloween other than candy?

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