Get a free copy of The Germ-o-Tron book from Scholastic featuring the characters Cora and Cory. These are the characters featured in the Sani-Hands for Kids products. A big thanks to Kristen for sending me this offer! You can request this book be sending your name and mailing address in an email to coraandcory AT scholastic DOT com (they responded to my email right away!) or you can write to: Cora and Cory Storybook, Scholastic, Inc. P.O. Box 713 New York, NY 10013-0713. They will be mailing the books out at the end of February. I’ve gotten some great books from Scholastic (free ones and ones I’ve ordered). Update 3/15/08: I just got my book, a great 16-page book from Scholastic and it even included a sample of Sani-Hands! I’ll be using my free sample today on our picnic at the park! I don’t know how long this offer will be available!

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