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Use the coupon code SHIP30 for free shipping on any order of $30 or more at Shutterfly and thanks to DealWise Mommy I discovered it even works when you use your free $30 credit from PhotoWorks!
I just ordered the CenterStage Book and paid only $1.99 plus sales tax (original price is $39.99 but it’s on sale for $31.99 plus $8.99 shipping). You’ll find it under “Photo Gifts” and there are six different story book designs that are personalized for your child. I created the “Amazing Alphabet Adventures”, it will make a great birthday present for my son! What will you order with your $30 credit and get free shipping on?
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Is this deal still good? I just found out about it and I am wondering when it expires? Also what is photoworks and how does it work with this? Are you saying for this deal, you can (or could) get $60 free then and free shipping on it? Just wondering.
It’s only available for existing PhotoWorks customers. The expiration date
for the free shipping code is unknown.
I didn’t even realize I HAD a Photoworks account! YAY! I ordered the Alphabet Adventure book for my 6 yr old for his easter Basket! I paid a grand total of 2.17! I CAN NOT WAIT to receive it! This Easter is going to be AWESOME!
I transfered my pictures to shutterfly and it said that I would receive the $30 credit, but my shutterfly account isn’t showing anything! How can I get the credit?
You should receive it via email. If you don’t then contact PhotoWorks for
I actually had two seperate photoworks accounts so got $30 credits for each! For one I bought a photobook and some address labels, and for the other I bought a 5×7 plaque for my dad and a spiral bound notebook for my husband. For the second order my total only came out to $0.14!!
Do you happen to know how long the free shipping code is good for? Thank you!
I don’t have an expiration date
Shutterfly’s website says the free shipping is until March 23. So we have some time.
Thanks! I will definitely be ordering one of these books for my daughter! She LOVES Sesame Street and Dora, so I’ll just have to choose which one I want! She’s gonna love seeing herself in a book with her favorite characters!
are those books on sale or something right now?
Yes they are 20% off right now, so sale price of $31.99 (original price of
Yes they are 20% off right now, so sale price of $31.99 (original price of
Thanks so much! I forgot all about my Photoworks account and now this. Wow! Thanks for sharing!
This is so awesome! I love Shutterfly. I’ve been eyeing these books for some time too. It will be perfect for my daughter’s 4th birthday present next month.
Thanks for all the hard work you do to help everyone save money :)
Thanks for sharing. I had my eye on a Dora book and I just placed the order. I had to pay tax so it was $2.11 which is awesome!
This is great. I was looking at the Diego book last night. I guess I will be placing my order today. It will also be a birthday present for my son, thanks