I was so excited and surprised when I won the Explore with Quaker Instant Win Sweepstakes. There were a total of 2,520 winners (about 41 winners per day) and the best part is you get to select the book you want to win. These are nice hardback Smithsonian books published by DK This is exactly why I publish the Sweeps 4 Mom list, so you can enjoy the surprise of winning a prize!
Have you won a prize or do you have an entertaining sweeps story thanks to Freebies 4 Mom? Please share your story by leaving a comment here and I may feature it as the next “Sweeps Success Story”!
Subscribe to Freebies 4 Mom for more sweeps to enter!
Recently I won a $250 NFL shop gift card! I also got some SBX stars for free food and drink.
I have had a few recent wins—Nestle Crunch bar, Classic Crush hat, and $100 Fanatics gift card from the Sazerac big game sweepstakes.
That is super! Way to win!
Recent wins: Quaker lunch box, Chewy pet surprise pack, Shampoo and Conditioner, a book, and a pack of King’s Hawaiian rolls. WooHoo!
Super – I am glad you are winning some prizes!
Yes! Thanks! One more—t-shirt from Founders Day IPA.