How lucky are my readers? Very lucky. This week I heard from several of them and here is what they won. Melanie won a Wii in the Red Baron sweeps. Tanya won an Ipod Shuffle in the Coinstar sweeps. Sarah won a Kelty Jogging Stroller in the one-time entry sweeps I shared with you. So, keep playing those sweeps and tell me what you win!

These are daily entry sweeps that I recommend playing:
Dole Salad (15,000+ details here)
Disney Movie Rewards (10,000+, 3 sweeps, details here)
Six Flags (6,000+ details here)
(2,000+ details here)
(2,000+ details here)
Silk Soymilk (1,600+ details here)

Red Baron (1,000+ details here)
Macy’s Clinique (1,000+ details here)
Febreze Surround Yourself (1,000+ details here)
Little Debbie Miles of Smiles (1,000+)
Coinstar (1,000+ details here)
Summer of Savings
(1,000+ details here)

And one weekly entry sweeps that you can win more than once:
Hanes (20,000+ enter each Wednesday, details here)

What have you won in the sweeps lately? Have you seen any new seeps that you want to share with me?
