Sweeps Takis Spread the Bite of ZombiePlease enter the current Sweepstakes instead of this expired one.

Enter up to 2x/day for a chance to win the Takis Spread the Bite of Zombie Sweepstakes. There will be 1 winner of 2-$1,500 Visa Prepaid Cards and one package of 25 ct Takis Zombie Minis (value $3,011), 2 winners of a $1,000 Visa Prepaid Card and one package of 25 ct Takis Zombie Minis (value $1,011) and 580 winners of a package that includes: a Takis bag, a package of 25 ct Takis Zombie Minis, a Takis Zombie T-shirt, a baseball cap and a Takis Zombie cup (value $22.64). This sweeps started Sept. 4 and ends October 31 which breaks down to about 10 winners per day

Win even more sweepstakes when you subscribe!
