Love the freebies? Love this blog? Please share it with at least one friend, neighbor, coworker, relative, or any mom or freebie lover! My blog keeps improving as my audience grows because I receive more ideas, tips, updates, and giveaways as I receive more readers! The paid advertisements (BlogHer Ad Network and Google Ads) on my blog generate a very small income for me based on the number of visitors I get each day and help me pay for my very small expenses including postage for mailing coupons and other items I give away on my blog. The best way you can support me is to help me grow, so please tell one new person about my blog today! Thanks!
I have my mom and sister hooked up. Thanks,you rock!!
I heard about you on TV and thought this would also be a good site for teachers.
I really appreciate all the work you put in. Hope you get some extra hits from my blog post!
I just got this comment from TopazTook via email:I hope it’s OK that I’ve recommended Freebies4Mom to more than *one* friend: I included you in a “bloggy roundup” of frugal sites posted last Friday as my entry in the Frugal Friday carnival hosted by Biblical Womanhood ; I also included you in a “save your money” article for the April issue of my women’s service group newsletter (about 30 members, but we also use the newsletter as a recruiting tool, so several more people will see it). And I need to email your link to a mom with whom my daughter has playdates and who is expecting her second baby: I’ve written it on my to-do list for the week! I truly appreciate all your great work, and definitely want to see your site keep succeeding!–
Thanks, Rachel and Cheryl! Money Saving Mom is my favorite resource for getting the scoop on the CVS and Walgreens deals!
You are linked to my blog and I have sent emails to my friends with your site. Good luck!Cheryl
I heard about you from!
Thanks, Amy and Jest05. I’m having so much fun blogging and I love sharing the freebies with you!
Heather I am a big fan of your blog. I am always telling people about your blog or forwarding on the daily emails I receive from you. Thanks for all that you do!!
I will keep pushing traffic your way- you know I love ya!PS-Thanks for the Starbucks recipes- you rock :)
Thanks everyone for helping to spread the word!
You have been on my blogroll since the beginning. Thanks for all your do!
i put you on my blog…and so did my friend!
I follow your blog on Bloglines, thanks. Today I’ve credited you for the Seattle Best coffee offer. Thanks, that was a really good one! e-Mom @ Chrysalis
You’re on my blogroll! Keep it up.
Thank you, K&E;’sMama!
I just linked ya to almost 90 people!You are now listed under the ‘Links’ section on the coupon exchange!!
Thanks, Beth – I appreciate it!
Thanks, Jen! The more people you tell, the happier I’ll be!
I added you to my blog roll. I hope this helps.
Thanks for such a great blog! I passed it on to 4 of my closest mommy friends.
Thank you, Niki!
I linked you over at the Parenting/TTC forum I’ve been a part of for the past several years.Love your blog!:)