Still available (but only one full-size product), you have to watch all videos and answer 4 correctly to qualify for one free full-size product!

Watch videos and take a quiz to receive two free full-size Suave Professionals products or coupons or even higher-value freebies. After the site loads, you will see 8 icons at the bottom, each one for a different video to watch and then you select which model was styled with Suave Professionals. Tip: The Professional is not always right, go with the hair that looks the best!

If you select three correct answers you will receive one full-size Suave Professionals product,  four correct answers to receive two free full-size products. Coupons are offered for two correct answers or less. For five correct answers you get a free beauty magazine subscription, six correct answers a free styling tool, seven correct answers a free web styling consultation, eight correct answers a free year’s worth of Suave products. A big thanks goes to the beautiful Swag Grabber and Deal Wise Mommy for sharing this hot freebie! You should receive your coupons within 6 to 8 weeks.

Don’t forget that on Thursday, March 24 Suave has a big giveaway of 200,000 free full-size Suave Professionals products on Facebook.

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Image credit: Suave
