Yobaby yogurt is truly “everything you want and nothing you don’t” for your baby. I’m giving one of my lucky readers a Yobaby Gift Basket including a bib, bowl with lid, and coupons for five FREE Yobaby products.
Save $0.50 on Yobaby
There are two coupons that you can easily register to print, one for 50 cents off Yobaby Organic Yogurt multi-pack, and the other for 50 cents off Yobaby Organic Drinkable Yogurt. Plus you can print a ton of Stonyfield Farm product coupons including more Yobaby coupons. You have ten days from printing to use the coupons.
Yobaby Yogurt Product Review
I am a big fan of Yobaby products and it’s the first yogurt that my 4 year old tasted when he was a baby. To tell you the truth I still pick-up Yobaby for my 4yr old and I to share. It’s a special treat for us yogurt-lovers because it is truly the best. I use coupons like those above and watch for my Kroger store to mark them down when they have too many nearing the expiration date. Thanks to Yobaby we got to try three products for free. We like the yogurt multipacks because they are just the right serving size (even for me) and they are great for packing a lunch. Our new favorite variety is the Yobaby Plus Fruit & Cereal. I know the addition of cereal may throw you off at first, but it’s pureed cereal so it really has a great texture and is a tasty addition to the yogurt.
Why is Yobaby the best?
Yobaby is made by Stonyfield Farm and I think it has the best ingredients and superior nutritional content compared to other yogurts. It’s organic (no growth hormones) with six live active cultures. It’s made with real fruit and is not too sweet (or too sour). It really is a pleasant change to eat it after eating other yogurts. It makes you realize how much added sugar the others must have because of their super-sweet taste. And the Yobaby yogurt just keeps improving! Stonyfield’s Yobaby line of organic yogurts marks its 10 th birthday this year by reformulating Yobaby to include Vitamin D and zinc, both known to boost immunity and promote the development of strong bones and teeth.
Want to enter this giveaway for a chance to win?
The email addresses that I collect for this giveaway will only be used for the purpose of contacting the winner, and will never be given to anyone. This giveaway will close Sunday, June 21 at midnight (CST) so the winner can share the good news on Father’s Day with their intended recipient! I’ll announce the first name of the winner in a new post the next day and contact the winner by email. I will draw the name of the winner by using the random number generator at Random.org from the eligible entries received. If a winner does not contact me within 48 hours by email, I will draw a new winner. This giveaway is open to residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. The winner will receive their gift basket by mail from YoBaby.
You must complete this form to enter this giveaway. Required questions have been marked. Please enter this giveaway only once per household. I will and do delete any extra entries made by the same person so that everyone in the virtual hat has an equal chance to win.
If you have any problems seeing or submitting this form, please email me and I’ll make your entry for you.
Good luck and remember that you need to complete the form to enter this giveaway. You are welcome and encouraged to post comments here, but any comments will not be considered as entries in this giveaway. Just for fun, please leave a comment and tell us why your family loves Yobaby or would like to try it for the first time?
Thanks for entering and come back Monday, June 22 to find out who won. Good luck!
Freebies 4 Mom Giveaway Disclosure: Stonyfield Farm sponsored this post and provided the YoBaby Gift Basket to give away. They also provided me with three YoBaby products to try so that I may write this product review. My product reviews are an expression of my own honest opinion based on my experience trying the product, and are not reviewed or edited by Stonyfield Farm. Stonyfield Farm does not compensate me in any other way for this product review.
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My girl started eating Yobaby about a month ago and LOVES it. It's the one food she is really eager to eat.
This is one of the few things that my 13 month old will eat right now. She's gone from "I'll eat anything to I will only eat Yogurt and grilled Cheese". I hope I get this :)
I like this as a different way to get calcium for the kids.
My daughter has been eating 2 a day since she was 9 months and likes them a lot. She is a picky eater and Yobaby tops the list
I have a beautiful 7 month old daughter with a sensitive stomach so I can't wait until she's old enough to try YoBaby. I'm sure this will help her begin a love of all the right foods, which is what we all need.
My 15 mo. old LOVES YoBaby and eats one every night after her dinner. I always buy the Fruit & Cereal varieties because I like the extra nutrition (iron); it makes me feel like it is filling in some gaps :) I am super cheap when it comes to groceries, but I always get her YoBaby. I got a really sweet deal on YoKids and she loved it too, so I'll probably switch back and forth now to stretch the buck a little. :) Can you tell I love their products?
Well shucks, I wonder if they ran out of coupons on their site. It is telling me "You've reached the limit of coupons you are currently eligible to receive. Keep an eye out for promotions and coupons in the future." even though I've never been to their website before in my life. :(
Heather -I just saw some informtion about Stonyfiled starting a rewards prgoram for buying their products. Do you know any details about the rewards and what we have to have from the package to submit for them?Thanks!!!
my grandbabies love it!! picky grandmother will only buy the best.. laura (ohio)
Thanks for fixing it Heather!Both of my kids have grown up on it. I find it to be a better value (at Trader Joes) than regular price other kids yogurt!
I appreciate the entry form instead of entering by commenting. I usually can't access the comment sections on blogs at work because the IT dept blocks those. Thank you,Donna
Our family LOVES yobaby because its organic and they use flax seed and fruit puree. Nothings better than that! Our daughter has been eating yobaby since she was 6 months old!cherryblossomsdesign at hotmail
We have never tried Yo Baby, but we serve our daughter Stoneyfield Farms Organic Yogurt every morning. I plan to try the YoBaby multi-pack when we go on a car trip this summer so that she can still have her yogurt while we are on the go.
I grew up in NH and on Stoneyfield Farm yogurt. I was sad that it wasn't available here in the south when I first moved here and couldn't believe how awful other yogurts tasted. A couple years later, I saw it at the store and was elated! Now my little guys are growing up on Stoneyfield Farm yogurt too. We love this stuff!
I buy Stonyfield Farm products for myself and have for years! I love their product. Now that I have a baby in the house, I almost picked some up last night. Glad I waited – now I can use a coupon!Thanks for the contest and for promoting such a wonderful product!
Please email me if you have any problems seeing the form or submitting your entry!-HeatherFreebies 4 Mom
I got an error when I tried to submit, but both my girls love this yogurt and I'd love to try the newest addition!
The form says Not Found for me, but I'd LOVE to enter!
Hi Heather, I get the same code Lori does. It seems to just be this one, as I entered the Home Depot one fine!
It says "Not Found" for the form for me, but I love that the kids get less sugar and whole yogurt.
YUMMM! I often steal a little bite ;0) Our whole family is exclusively Stonyfield Farms eaters.annelbjr@yahoo.com
Good Luck to everyone who entered the YoBaby giveaway! I enjoy all of your comments- it is good to hear what real moms think of our product! Very Best,KatieStonyfield Farm kmoffett@stonyfield.com
You know, the doctor thinks I'm crazy, but regular yogurt gave both of my daughters diaper rash and when we switched to YoBaby, no more diaper rash! So glad we found it!
There is a "not found" message where the sign up box should be.
My daughter has been eating YoBaby since she was 6 months old. She turned 1 on sunday, and still loves it!!! I tried to enter but there was no form available to fill out. I will try again in a bit.
My son loves Yo Baby! He is 22 months, and doesn't like milk that much, so it helps me get the full fat dairy in that his body needs!
My 15 month old has been enjoying Yo Baby since she was 6 months old. I've noticed when I buy them at Kroger, I get a store generated coupon which is nice! I also sent off for the Free Eric Carle Growth chart they were advertising on a lot of their packages in the past couple of months. When that arrived in the mail I was pleasantly surprised to find more Yo Baby and Stonyfield coupons inside! YUM!
My daughter loves this stuff! It is great way to get calcium into her diet.
Hm, I got the "something bad happened" note when I submitted my info. Will try again!
Just yesterday I was thinking that I wanted to get some & try it–it's hard to find really good healthy yogurt that is geared toward kids nutrition.
My Daughter Loves YoBaby,she eats it for every meal. When she was younger she loved the Cereal with Apple one.Now she just like the one with no Cereal
Funny – my almost six month old son JUST tried it today, in fact. He REALLY loved it and kept grabbing for the spoon!! I like them for the same reasons you mentioned, plus I specifically like that their main ingredient isn't CORN SYRUP! Yuck!
My 10 month old little guy loves YoBaby & I feel like a super mom for giving it to him, its a win win :)
My 14 month old eats 2 or 3 of these a day. He is addicted and has been since about 6 months! LOVE them! I find them at Walmart for a dollar less than in the regular stores.