I hosted a giveaway for one of my lucky readers to win a $170 gift certificate for baby shoe bronzing from Chicks & Cubs. Be sure to visit to learn more about this amazingly precious way to preserve a child’s first shoes.
I’ve got to say thank you to the 441 readers who entered to win my $170 Baby Shoe Bronzing Giveaway. The randomly selected winner, compliments of Random.org, are listed below.
#190 Jenniferwon
How do you know if you won? I just share the winner’s first name here, but I sent the winner an email with the subject line “You Won Baby Shoe Bronzing on Freebies 4 Mom”. I need to receive a response from the winner within 48 hours of the email that I send them. If I don’t hear from a winner within that time frame, I will draw a new winner.
Find out about other giveaways you can enter right now.
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Wow! I didn’t think I would ever win one of these! Thank You! Jennifer
Has #190 Jennifer already claimed this? Just curious, I know this is a long shot, popular name and all, but my name is Jennifer too and I’ve been having e-mail problems lately. Just wishful thinking most likely, but I had to ask!